Thursday, February 07, 2008

Are you a Certified "Orifice"?

Do you feel surrounded by incompetent idiots – and you can’t help letting them know the truth every now and then? You are often jealous of your colleagues, and find it difficult to be genuinely pleased for them when they do well? Or you constantly interrupt people because, after all, what you have to say is more important? Then take this ARSE (Ass**** Rating Self Exam) to find out if you are a "Workplace Orifice".

Other interesting "ARSE TOOLS" developed by Bob Sutton include the ACHE (Ass**** Client from Hell Exam) and questions to determine if your future boss is a certified orifice!

Let me know if the tests told you a bit more about yourselves or your clients ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok thats funny! How did u discover this one?